tirsdag den 12. januar 2010

Jewelry tree

I have been dying to show you something for a while now; I got the most beautiful homemade present for Christmas from my boyfriend (Not that I wasn’t spoiled with presents already J), but it was not quite finished, so he had to spend some more time on it before I could take it home. And now, in between exams, he has finished it!!!

Let me present my new jewelry tree

Look at the little swing, so adorable! …. I will try to find a tiny dark-haired doll (indicating me of course) to swing on it!

Just love it!

I am very lucky that I have such an amazing boyfriend, he has spend many hours making this for me, so many that he will not make any replicate, although he will share the information of how he did it.

Some other pieces he has made for me are these

Now I have order in my earrings!

Sometimes I just have an idea and sometimes he brings that idea into life, so great!

There are of course many ways to store/contain your jewelry. Mivs received this tree as one of her Christmas presents

It is from Menu and you can find it here. It is very different from mine but still a very nice piece that can lighten up the room.

Another jewelry hanging devise that I have found very interesting is this Camshaft that Tina from A knitting chick has transformed into a really cool piece!

She has made it herself (I could learn something from her!). Look here to see how she did.

A final piece I want to show you is a Jewelry board that Whitney from Sisters’ stuff has made

She has also made it herself and you can see how she did it here. This is a really nice board, which does not seem that complicated (as least to me) to make and you can make your own personal touch with your own version.

How do you store your jewelry?

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