søndag den 31. januar 2010
Forårs hårbøjle
Først lavede jeg en Kanzashi blomst ud af det stof jeg havde fundet. Derefter satte jeg et forårsgrønt bånd rundt om en hårbøjle. Blomsten fik en lille spænde sat bagpå, den kan derfor både sidde alene i håret eller på hårbøjlen. Og med det færdige resultat vil jeg bare sige; nu kan foråret godt komme!
As I told you yesterday, I found some fabric in the charity shop, which I used to make a Kanzashi flower of. I put some spring green ribbon on a headband and attacted a little hairpin to the flower; this means that you can have it in your hair with or without the headband. And with the finished headband I now say: let spring come!
lørdag den 30. januar 2010
Blomster fra genbrugen
Upper left: beautiful scarft with flowers. Lower right: Fabric with flowers.
Derudover fandt jeg også et stykke stof, langt nede i en gammel kurv, som havde en rigtig fin blomster kant - hvad jeg har brugt denne til, kan du læse om i morgen.
I dropped in at one of the local charity shops this week. Normally they do not have any interesting things, but I was lucky to find a beautiful scarf with flowers on it. It instantly made me think of spring! I also found a piece of fabric with a boarder of flowers - See what I have used this fabric for tomorrow.
fredag den 29. januar 2010
Curley wurley halstørklæde
Jeg strikkede et halstørklæde i en flot blå farve med spidse ender og hæklede en kant i en blågrøn farve. Selve hæklingen gjorde at halstørklædet krøllede - det var egentlig ikke meningen, men må jo åbenbart have gjort noget forkert.
Dog har halstørklædet multifunktion - både varme omkring halsen og varme omkring sjælen :D
Curley wurley halstørklædet er en keeper!
I started to knit a scarf for myself, but it did not turn out as I expected after I added some crocheting. However the scarf has a multifunction - as you can see from the pictures above. It is warm and comfy - so it is a keeeper!
torsdag den 28. januar 2010
Der gik faktisk ikke ret lang tid fra jeg var flyttet til Aalborg, til at jeg started med at tage diverse gratis postkort på stativerne i biografen/caféer osv, når jeg kom forbi. Og lidt efter lidt blev stakken da også større og den flyttede til en skotøjsæske.
I sommers fik jeg den idé at der manglede noget farve inde på vores soveværelses væg og tænkte at nogle af de sjove og finurlige postkort kunne komme til 'live' der. Jeg udvalgte således ca. 40-60 postkort, som jeg mente kunne hænge på væggen og lod min kæreste være med til at vælge dem, han syntes var fede. Satte dem ind i en stor ramme og dette er resultatet:
Det gode ved det er, at når jeg bliver træt af at kigge på disse postkort, kan jeg bare skifte dem ud!
Og nu bliver postkortne også brugt til diverse fødselsdagskort mm. da jeg faktisk synes, de for det meste har mere at sige om den person, man giver en gave til, end de der standart kort man kan købe i forretningerne.(Ja jeg kunne også lave dem selv, men synes ikke jeg er så god til at lave noget flot på papir).
Har lært at det er okay at have et samlergen, selv om man ikke altid kan se formålet med det. Hvad med jer, er der nogle ting I samler på?
As a child I collected postcard, but trew my 2 box collection away when I moved for myself, because I could not see any function with them. How I wish I had not done that! Soon after my moving I started to collect various postcards again and last summer I thought of making a collage/picture with some of these postcards, to make our bedroom wall prettier. The great thing with this picture, is that I can change the postcards whenever I get tired of the ones that are in there now. My conclusion is that it is okay to collect something although you do not know how to make use of it at first. What do you collect?
onsdag den 27. januar 2010
Nu på dansk
Vi håber der er flere der har lyst til at læse med og kommentere her på bloggen og dermed også være med i vores give-away, der bliver trukket den 5. Februar!
As the regular reader of our blog might have noticed, we have started to write in Danish. This does not mean that we do not want international people to visit our blog, as we do strive to give an english summary of the various blog post. Please feel free to make a comment, if there is something you do not understand and remember to participate in our give-away!
fredag den 22. januar 2010
Give-away 1#
The gifts
Mia will make a lovely pair of clay earrings in a colour of your own choice.
Ditte will make a Josephine knot bracelet with black leather cord, fitted to your size.
Participation rules:
1. lot: Become a follwer at our blog: Prees the "Follow button" in the right column. (If you do not have a google account, but still reads our blog, please write a comment in this post in order to participate)
2. lot: Post this giwe-away on your own blog, please leave a comment in this post if you do so.
The give-away ends the 5th of february 2010, and using random.org we will find a winner.
We hope our gifts are desirable!
Kanzashi flower
My first attempt of making a Kanzashi flower was this:
Folding all the individual petals and collecting them on a thread.
Then attaching a button on the front and a piece of fabric on the back, to hide the ends of the fabrics. These flowers can be used in your hair, as a broche, making your bag a little more interesting ... you name it.
I will practice on the execution of the flower next time I have a moment of creativeness; for instance using an iron will make the petals more 'sharp' in their look.
torsdag den 21. januar 2010
Knitting 2#
I knitttet a little piece, added a button to make it into a 'bow' shape and sewed it on a hair band.
Brings a feminine touch to my black curly hair :D
My next knitting project is a scarf for Mark, my boyfriend.
onsdag den 20. januar 2010
Pearls on hoops
Anyway, in lack of a clear mind for studying, I made these hoops with some small 'brownish' pearls on them.
I really like the wire-effect and if I make another pair I will make the wire continue between each pearl. The first pearl look pale purple, but it is more pale brown.
Are you wearing hoops this season?
mandag den 18. januar 2010
Knitting 1#
And as many other things that I have learned by doing it, I started to look through tutorials/books of how to do it.
I started with the simple things, making the stitch's and knitting straight, just to get a feel of it. The result.... not that pretty, ended up with more stitches than I started with (wtf?) , but hopefully practice makes perfect (or at least better).
My first project is to make a little bow for a hair clip, a manageable project, I think.
Although I have many people around me that know how to knit and who would pleasantly teach me, this is the first time I can see any resulst of it. And I know I make mistaskes, but I learn in my own paste and hopefully I can learn something from the experienced people I know, when I have a problem!
What do you do, when you see something that you JUST want to make YOURSELF?
torsdag den 14. januar 2010
Owl necklace
What do you think, is unbalanced okay?
P.s. I know my pictures are very bad (opposed to Mivs super pictures), due to my lack of pixels :). Hopefully will my boyfriend get a good camera for his birthday next month!
tirsdag den 12. januar 2010
Jewelry tree
I have been dying to show you something for a while now; I got the most beautiful homemade present for Christmas from my boyfriend (Not that I wasn’t spoiled with presents already J), but it was not quite finished, so he had to spend some more time on it before I could take it home. And now, in between exams, he has finished it!!!
Let me present my new jewelry tree
Look at the little swing, so adorable! …. I will try to find a tiny dark-haired doll (indicating me of course) to swing on it!
Just love it!
I am very lucky that I have such an amazing boyfriend, he has spend many hours making this for me, so many that he will not make any replicate, although he will share the information of how he did it.
Some other pieces he has made for me are these
Now I have order in my earrings!
Sometimes I just have an idea and sometimes he brings that idea into life, so great!
There are of course many ways to store/contain your jewelry. Mivs received this tree as one of her Christmas presents
It is from Menu and you can find it here. It is very different from mine but still a very nice piece that can lighten up the room.
Another jewelry hanging devise that I have found very interesting is this Camshaft that Tina from A knitting chick has transformed into a really cool piece!
She has made it herself (I could learn something from her!). Look here to see how she did.
A final piece I want to show you is a Jewelry board that Whitney from Sisters’ stuff has made
She has also made it herself and you can see how she did it here. This is a really nice board, which does not seem that complicated (as least to me) to make and you can make your own personal touch with your own version.
How do you store your jewelry?